Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Shooting 2 Films in 1 Week (Part I)

Last week we had a national holiday on Thursday. I called Wennie earlier that week, asking if she's available on that day to shoot the Jakarta part of in3cities, the short film we're producing. It turned out that she was available. So, I didn't waste the chance.

We arranged to meet at Ratu Plaza at 3 pm. I was a little bit late, not expecting that the street was occupied with Persija supporters. They had a match in that afternoon and it was orange everywhere. We decided to take a quick meal first at Oh La La Cafe. After Wennie changed her clothing and put some make-up, we're heading for the street.

The first location is the crossing bridge in front of Ratu Plaza. Just a couple of quick shots. Then we went to the sidewalks between Ratu Plaza and Sudirman Place. When we got there, we noticed there were many policemen guarding the soccer match, and we decided to go back and go to the other side of the street instead.

Luckily, it's not crowded, and the setting was perfect for the aching-heel scene. We shot it without a problem, and we decided to go to the Bundaran HI fountain by Transjakarta busway, to get shots of the fountain, and later, a crossing-the-street scene. I also took a quick shot on the bus.

We spent some time near the fountain, waiting for the sun goes down. When it was dark enough, we stopped a taxi, and shot the taxi scene for about half an hour and spent 37k on the meter. Once again I were surrounded by Persija supporters. I think they will appear also in some scenes of the film.

Finally, the shooting was over, because the taxi scene was the last scene we shot that night. So.. it's a wrap? Oh no, no, no. We still have one most difficult scene to shoot. And it's involving a lot of water.

That was Thursday.

... to be continued.

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